Oh What a Year It’s Bee(Ki)n

This time last year we just launched our announcement press release. The release stated we were going to try to achieve Corinne Sikora’s dream to have an all inclusive cancer wellness and support center that was free to all cancer patients and their caregivers in Bucks County.

We created a speculative budget and knew in order to open our doors we had to raise over $200,000. We also had to start a non-profit, find a space, partner with local practitioners and instructors who were willing to donate their services and renovate the space to accommodate the level of integrative services, fitness, support and therapy that were needed.

Within 10 fast paced months we had accomplished it all. December 8, 2021 we onboarded our first guest. Now, 12 months from the day we announced our intentions we have over 60 guests, 35 practitioners and instructors and 40 community business partners.

Kin is touching the lives of people across Bucks County who now have a place to get their physical, emotional and social needs met under one roof, while they navigate their cancer journey.

We are finding as the days and weeks pass, a community is forming and Kin is taking shape in ways we could have never imagined. Corinne’s vision is real, Kin is open and people are being helped daily.

We’ve embodied our mantra: By the Community. For the Community.

Kin relies on donations to thrive and survive. Please give what you can so we can continue to provide for our Bucks County cancer patients.

Just think, if we were able to accomplish all we have in just one year, imagine what’s in store for 2022 and beyond!

Welcome to Kin!


Kin Services Week of February 28


Kin Weekly Services February 21-25